Write for Military History Online
What we are looking for?
If you have written a piece on military history or are thinking about writing one, this site is for you. If it has to do with military history, please submit it. If you've written a book review or would like to write one, please e-mail me.
Do I retain ownership or copyright of my articles?
Absolutely yes. As a writer, you retain 100% full copyright, ownership and credit for all of your writings. MHO purely hosts the articles, nothing else.
How long will my articles stay online?
Forever. They will stay online as long as MilitaryHistoryOnline.com exists (so far, since 1999 and counting). All articles will remain linked and categorized so readers can easily find all articles. They will only be removed if they are found to be incorrect or if the author requests it.
How long has MHO been online?
Since 1999. It started out with a focus on the American Civil War, but has branched out to include all other periods.
Why does MHO exist and why would MHO host my articles?
Military History Online is a privately-owned site which I created in order to bring together other like-minded military history enthusiasts.
It is online in order to share articles/writings/ideas and learn from each other.
Your articles will get exposure to readers, researchers and publishers. In fact, writers here
have been contacted by publishers with book deals after reading their articles here.
Writing Format
Please submit files as Microsoft Word or as a text file. These should be sent to MHO as attachments in e-mails.
Length of Article
Your submissions can be of any length, but the rule of thumb is at least 3000 words. The longer the length -- the better. I have never turned down an article for being too long, but I have turned down articles for being too short. I have received articles that were hundreds of pages long and these articles are still online today.
Footnotes and bibliographies are strongly recommended as many readers will want to see the source of the information.
How long do I have to complete my article?
Take as long as you like on the battle. A battle might take a couple months or longer. As long as I know you are working on it, that is fine. You can send me each section as you finish it. That way, we can get the completed sections online and you can see what the articles will look like.
If you have any questions, please contact Brian Williams at MilitaryHistoryOnline@Outlook.com