Home / Civil War Genealogy / Virginia / 57th Virginia Infantry
57th Virginia InfantryCSA Flag
Company A
Burwell Boothe
- Private
Company A 'Jeff Davis Guards'

Deo Vindice
Contact Name: Adam M Phillips
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/29/2006

Company A
william h. davis
- Corporal
hostpitelized lots of times survived pikits charg
Contact Name: noah
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/16/2016

Company A
Clement Royster Fontaine
- Colonel
July 5, 1863: Promoted to Colonel
February 6, 1863: Promoted to Major
April 24, 1862: Promoted to Captain

[I would love to have a photo of my Great-Grandfather, C.R. Fontaine.]
Contact Name: Martha Fontaine Patterson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/29/2013

Company A
John Addison Gough
Rank Unknown
John Gough joined the 57th on April 24, 1861. He lived through the war and died on March 7, 1915. He is buried at Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetary in Dillwyn, Virginia. I know very little about his background.
Contact Name: Meagan Gilliam
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2005

Company A
William Ashford Hodges
Rank Unknown
Was a large man. Served as litter bearer according to his oldest granddaughter.
Contact Name: John Hodges
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/29/2013

Company A
Samuel D Holeman
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Tamicka Holman
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/groups/280187812098941/
Date Added: 10/21/2012

Company A
Peter A Parsel
Rank Unknown
Enl 10/21/64 to 6/5/65. Captured 4/1/65 five forks
Contact Name: Joseph A Parsell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/15/2019

Company A
William A Parsel
Rank Unknown
Enl 4/17/62 to10/64
Contact Name: Joseph A Parsell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/15/2019

Company B
Robert W Atkins
- Private
Robert W Atkins, 57th Virginia
Contact Name: Frank
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/29/2013

Company B
George W. Goode
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Steven J. Hertzog
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/18/2010

Company B
Giles E Hodges
Rank Unknown
No comments
Contact Name: Joyce Hodges
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/24/2012

Company B
Waddy Thompson James
- Lt. Colonel
under command of Lewis Armistead;
wounded at Seven Pines - lost hearing;
resigned comission in 1862 due to injury;
served in Va. legislature as Delegate and Senator after the war;
hit and killed by train in 1926 - did not hear it coming;
buried in Franklin County, Va.
Contact Name: Robert T. Wall
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/15/2011

Company B
Booker Mullins
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Dan Johnson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/19/2010

Company B
Edward Jefferson Philpott
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Cody
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/12/2010

Company C
Giles L Cannaday
- Sergeant
Sergeant Company C. Brother to Andrew and Isaac Cannaday. Enlisted in Franklin County 6/22/61. Present through 10/61. AWOL 12/61. Promoted to Lieutenant 5/7/62. On detail through 12/62 with commissary. Present through 8/64. Deserted 9/26/1864.
Contact Name: Blaine Hypes
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/27/2009

Company C
Andrew Bailey Cannaday
- Private
Private Company C. Born 12/12/1822. Resident Paynes Creek, Floyd County, Va. Brother to Isaac and and Giles Cannaday. Enlisted 6/21/61 in Franklin County. Present 4/64. Discharged 9/6/1862. Died 1912.
Contact Name: Blaine Hypes
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/28/2009

Company C
Isaac Cannaday
- Private
Private Company C. Brother to Andrew and Giles Cannaday. Enlisted 6/21/61 in Franklin County, Va. Died 8/22/1861.
Contact Name: Blaine Hypes
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/27/2009

Company C
Samuel Hambrick
- Private
enlisted at Camp Lee on Oct 21,1864 signed the oath of allegiance
as a prisoner of war on June 8, 1865 in Franklin, Va.
Contact Name: Bambi Woods
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/6/2011

Company C
Charles Henry Jones
- Captain
Charles Henry Jones enlisted in Company C of the 57th Virginia Infantry on June 21, 1861 at Higgs Field in Franklin County, Virginia. He was with the regiment until his capture at the Battle of Five Forks in Dinwiddie County, Virginia on April 1, 1865. After his capture, he was held as a prisoner of war at Johnson''s Island, Ohio until June 18, 1865. After the war, he returned home to Franklin County, Virginia where he died on March 25, 1900.

Company C was known as the Franklin Fire Eaters, and was originally enlisted in the 57th as part of Keen''s Battalion. At the end of the war, the 57th was part of Pickett''s Division, 1st Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia.

Charles Henry Jones was my Great Great Grandfather.
Contact Name: Jeff Powell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/19/2005

Company C
Wiley James Matthews
- Sergeant
Wiley J. Matthews (Confederate)

- Residing in Franklin County, VA at time of enlistment
- Enlisted on Jul 20 1861 at Sydnorsville, VA as Private

Mustering information:
- Enlisted into G Company, 57th Infantry (Virginia) on Jul 20 1861

- Promoted to Sergt (Full, Vol) on Nov 17 1861

Listed as:
- Detailed on Oct 15 1864 (In QM Dept)
- POW on Apr 1 1865 at Five Forks, VA
- Confined on Apr 6 1865 at Point Lookout, MD
- Oath Allegiance on Jun 15 1865 at Point Lookout, MD (Released)

Sources for the above information:
- The Virginia Regimental Histories Series, (1987)

Wiley James Matthews was my great great grandfather. He had seven children one was Nancy Margaret Rosella, she was my great grandmother. He was buried in Wingo Cemetery off of St Route 662 on the property now called Roy Houseman property. Take Rt 40 E. from Rocky Mount, VA and go through Glade Hill. Turn left on state Rt 834 and then turn right on state Rt 840. Go to State Rt 662 and go left. There are two houses at the intersection of 840 and 662. Take a left on and go about a half mile to a gravel road. There is a field and you walk through the field and back in the woods there is a cemetery. Apparently called Wingo Cemetery. Since locating this cemetery in the 80's homes were built in the area near Smith Mt Lake, and I need to go back and locate it again.
His tombstone says Wiley J Matthews Co C 57th VA Infantry Confederate States of America. The stone is in the shape of an obelisk.
Wiley first married to Sarah Kessler and had seven children. She died when her youngest child was ten years old. He married again to Pamelia F Brooks who was the daughter of Cluff Brooks and his first wife Sarah Dudley. He then married Permelia V Crum who was the granddaughter of Cluff Brooks through his second wife Permelia Mattox. Their daughter Mary Amelia Brooks married a John Crum.
Wiley died in Franklin Co VA on 15 January, 1940. He would have been 78 years old when he died.
Contact Name: Catherine L Thompson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/10/2008

Company C
James E Miles
- Lieutenant
Lieutenant Company C. Resident Franklin County, Va. Brother to John Henry Miles. Enlisted at Higg's Field 6/21/61. Present through 10/63. Killed in Action at Bermuda Hundred 6/16/1864.
Contact Name: Lora Hypes
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/28/2009

Company C
John Henry Miles
- Private
Enlisted 6/21/61 at Higg's Field. Resident of Franklin County, Va. Present through 10/63. On detail through 4/64. AWOL 6/18/64.
John Henry was a country doctor with no formal training. He had a natural ability to help/heal sick and injured. At Gettysburg he was one of a few to survive Pickett's Charge unscathed. It is believed that when charging Confederates reached the Emmitsburg Pike (a high rail fence had to be traversed to reach the road) and casualties began to mount quickly, John Henry began to give first aid to the wounded and helped survivors to the rear. He was assigned to a Confederate Hospital on 10/63 through 4/64. His brother Lt. James E Miles was killed in action at Bermuda Hundred while serving with the 57th Virginia. John Henry left the service, took a train to the Richmond area and returned his Brothers body home for burial. He never returned. He served his community in Floyd County, Va. the rest of his life as a practicing country doctor. He married Aileyann Richards. He is buried in the Cemetary at the Primitive Baptist Church, Franklin County, Pig River, Virginia.
Contact Name: Lora Hypes
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/28/2009

Company C
Robert Edgar Miles
- Private
Private Company C. Born 12/8/1838 in Franklin County, Va. Brother to John Henry and James E. Miles. Wounded at Sharpsburg. Also served in the 21st Virginia Cavalry. Died December 6,1942 in Shawsville, Va.
Contact Name: Lora Hypes
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/28/2009

Company C
William Peters
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Tracy Peters
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/24/2017

Company C
Greenville R Radford
- Private
Captured at the battle of Five Forks April 2nd 1865
Released June 17th 1865 after swearing Oath of Allegiance to the United States
Contact Name: Daniel Radford
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/14/2016

Company C
Isaac Shively
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: David Shively
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/19/2016

Company C
William V Trail
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Daniel Radford
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/16/2016

Company D
Achilles P. Farthing
- Private
Enlisted 10/24/1864 at Chester Station in Co. D. Capt. 4/2/1865 at Petersburg. To Pt. Lookout, MD 4/5/1865. Took oath and released 6/12/65.
Contact Name: Rick Farthing
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/31/2008

Company D
Salis Samuel Johnson
- 1st Lieutenant
Survivor of Picketts charge

Born 1824
Death Dec 25 1891
Contact Name: Kody
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/7/2013

Company D
James D. Shelton
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Scott Midkiff
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/31/2008

Company E
Henry Adkins
- Private
Captured at Gettysburg 7-3-63
Contact Name: Lionel Adkins
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/30/2007

Company E
Ralph Adkins
- Private
Captured at Gettysburg 7-3-63
Contact Name: Lionel Adkins
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/30/2007

Company E
Thomas R Cook
- Sergeant
Thomas R Cook born Dec 16, 1832 was from Pigg county Virginia. To my best understanding he was in the Calvary and his horse was shot and fell on him injuring him. He stated on his Confederate Pension form that he was captured and released when Lee surrendered. His commanding officer was William H Ramsey. He served all 4 years of the war and survived to live to the age of 86 years. He was a farmer.
Contact Name: Ginger Hay=Great, great great granddaughter
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/29/2013

Company E
Mial G Dangerfield
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Glen Ferrera
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/23/2013

Company E
hugh george
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: elaine bryant stringer
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/15/2008

Company E
william george
- Private
died of wounds received july, 1863 at gettysburg. died from gunshot wounds to both legs (tetanus) july 17, 1863
Contact Name: elaine bryant stringer
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/15/2008

Company E
William Tazewell Jefferson
- 1st Sergeant
William Tazewell Jefferson was known as "Taz" around the Sandy Level area where he grew up. At that time there was another William T. Jefferson, (William Thomas Jefferson), a cousin born in 1836 a year after our "Taz". He was the son of Alexander Jefferson and grew up in Pittsylvania County as well. To avoid confusion Isaiah's son may have been called "Taz" to distinguish between the two. When the War Between the States or Civil War began, William Tazewell "Taz" Jefferson enlisted at Rorrer's, Virginia, July 21, 1861 for a one year period. He was in Company E, the Pigg River Grays of the 57th Virginia Infantry. It was made up of men from Pittsylvania County. They were organized by his first cousin William H. Ramsey. Prior to its assignment it had served as Keen's Battalion, Company B. William H. Ramsey continued as captain of the company until after the Battle of Gettysburg at which time he was promoted to Lt. Colonel. Ramsey's successor was Captain Ralph Shelton Woody. These two men saw action with the regiment to the surrender at Appomattox. "Taz" fought in a number of the major battles of the Civil War from Malvern Hill and Fredericksburg to Gettysburg. He missed the Battle of Antietam due to illness. The unit was usually assigned to rear guard which resulted in a number of small skirmishes. All told they were involved in 45 various types of skirmishes, engagements and battles. He was one of the few to survive Picket's Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, this won him a promotion to first sergeant in December of 1863. While undoubtedly brave and proven in battle, his promotion was probably due more to attrition than anything else.

Contact Name: Thomas K. Brigham
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/3/2024

Company E
William Thomas Jefferson
- Sergeant
William Thomas Jefferson was my great great grandfather
Contact Name: Jerry Collins
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/5/2012

Company E
Charles H. Oakes
- Private
Charles H. Oakes of Callands enlisted in Co.E, 57th VA Inf. in April 1862 at Fort Dillard (constructed by the regiment at the confluence of the Nottoway and Blackwater Rivers). He arrived with a dozen or so new enlistments. Charles was married and believed compelled to join to avoid conscription. Why he chose this unit rather than Co.B, 38th VA Inf. in which three brothers served is not known, other than both units recruited from the Callands/Museville area. No records hint of battle wounds, but Charles was hospitalized for diarrhoea. He received a medical discharge February 5th, 1865 and returned home. He eventually settled in Franklin County.
Contact Name: James Brandau
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: www.murderatgreensprings.com
Date Added: 12/30/2009

Company E
Charles H Oakes
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Jordan Turner
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/12/2015

Company E
John Henry Osborne
Rank Unknown
Enlisted in Co. E 3/1/1862 at Sandy Level, VA. Present through 10/1864. Born 3/1835. Died 10/31/1916.
Contact Name: Walter Johnson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/23/2010

Company E
William Henry Ramsey
- Lt. Colonel
No comments
Contact Name: William Edward Ramsey
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/2/2011

Company E
William G Reynolds
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Lionel Adkins
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/10/2007

Company E
Ralph S Woody
- Captain
No comments
Contact Name: Blair Woody
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/3/2007

Company F
James N Amos
- Private
The oldest son of Pvt William Amos, enlisted September 61 at the age of 15 and served with the company until sometime during the march toward Appomattox. Family legend has it that his father expected they would all become prisoners and sent him home to take care of the family including a younger brother born in 64(Jefferson Daniel Amos)
Contact Name: Daniel Amos
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/9/2015

Company F
William F Amos
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Daniel Amos
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/9/2015

Company F
James H Brown
- Private
Enlisted 15 May 1862 at Petersburg. POW on 1 Apr 1865 at Five Forks VA. Confined on 7 Apr 1865 at Hart's Island, NY Harbor. Took the Oath of Allegiance on 18 Jun 1865 and was released.
Contact Name: Tish Maurich
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/7/2008

Company F
Zachariah Clift
- Corporal
Zachariah Clift was one of my GG-grandfathers. My Grandfather, Zachariah Dodson was named after him.
According to his information, he did survive the war.
Contact Name: Truman Dodson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/12/2011

Company F
Benjamin F Kidd
- Private
Enlisted: Jul 10 1861 Mt Vernon Church {capt Vincent Oliver Witchers Co}Born:1830 Va. D: Nov 15 1862 Snow Creek Franklin VA. {died of disease}
Contact Name: Tstrickland
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/18/2013

Company G
John William Angell
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Claude Buford Nolen III
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/7/2014

Company G
Franklin Bennett
- Private
Pvt. Franklin Bennett was from Snow Creek area of Franklin County, Virginia and joined the 57th Va at Sydnorsville, VA. He was in Co. G (Ladies Guard) and lost a leg at Gettysburg. He was wounded during Pickett's charge, and a Union surgeon by the name of Carter, amputated his leg following the charge. He was taken prisoner and sent to Fort Lookout, Maryland where he was later exchanged as a POW. He died in 1870 from complications of his war wounds, and is buried in Franklin County, Virginia.
Contact Name: Edward Bennett
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/7/2015

Company G
Wiley P Doss
Rank Unknown
Wiley was my great, great, great grandfather on my mother's side. His brother,Josiah, also served during the war and is buried in a Confederate cemetery on the University of Virginia campus.
Contact Name: Rhonda Swanson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/13/2013

Company G
Henry c fowler
- Private
Father of Thomas H. also of Co. G.
Contact Name: Gordon Echols
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/13/2013

Company G
Thomas H Fowler
- Private
Wounded at Gettysberg, captured at Five Forks. Son of Henry C
also of Co.G.
Contact Name: Gordon Echols
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/13/2013

Company G
Daniel Gusler
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Walter C Gusler
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/19/2010

Company G
William R Hodges
Rank Unknown
Enl 7/13/61 Kia Gettysburg 7/3/63
Contact Name: Joseph A Parsell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/15/2019

Company G
Charles H. Legwin
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: D. E. Patterson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/1/2008

Company G
John K Mason
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Kyle
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/15/2015

Company G
Wiley Wilson Oxley
- Private
Father of my Great Grand Father Thomas Bartle Oxley
Contact Name: Gareth Oxley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/13/2013

Company G
Benjamin F Parsel
- Private
Enl 7/13/61 to 10/64
Contact Name: Joseph A Parsell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/15/2019

Company G
Isaiah A Parsel
- 3rd Corporal
Enl 7/26/61 Kia Gettysburg 7/3/63
Contact Name: Joseph A Parsell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/15/2019

Company G
John Willis Reynolds
- Private
Great great grandfather. from Campbell County. Captured at Five Forks 4/2/65. POW at Hart Island and released on 6/20/65
Contact Name: Steve Whitlock
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/6/2015

Company H
Jacob R Bourne
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Jane (Ryalls) Cunningham
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/24/2004

Company H
William J Bourne
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Jane (Ryalls) Cunningham
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/24/2004

Company H
William G. Cason
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: John Harman
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/5/2006

Company H
Sanford B Duff
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Kathy Mellott
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/24/2008

Company H
Horace Mangrove Gianniny
- Private
Father was the head gardner for Thomas Jefferson at Monticello in Charlottesville VA.
Contact Name: Daniel Goodson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/10/2014

Company H
Hawkey Frederick Harris
- Private
Great-great grandfather. Served with brothers William and Bernard. Captured at Five Forks (VA) 1 Apr 1865, prisoner at Pt. Lookout, Md, released 14 June 1865
Contact Name: Stephanie Scott
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/4/2007

Company H
Thomas Henry Mayo
- Corporal
Great grandfather. Captured at Hatcher's Run 11 April 1865; POW at Pt. Lookout Prison Camp in Md.
Contact Name: Stephanie Scott
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/4/2007

Company H
James T Payne
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Carl Daniels
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/24/2013

Company H
Archibald Roach
- Private
Died in 1921 in Rockingham County Virginia
Contact Name: Tony Shifflett
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/16/2016

Company H
Colby Sprouse
- Private
Enlisted: 22 Jul 1861 in Charlottesville, VA. along with his 2 older brothers - John & Gideon. Court Martialed on 15 Sept 1864. Executed for desertion! Would like to find out more details on trial & execution. If you can help me, please email. Thank you!
Contact Name: D. Abad
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/21/2012

Company H
Gideon Sprouse
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: D. Abad
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/21/2012

Company H
John Sprouse
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: D. Abad
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/21/2012

Company H
Christopher C. Wood
- 1st Sergeant
No comments
Contact Name: R. Kelly McGinnis
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/19/2008

Company I
James Bailey
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Sherry Greshamer
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/14/2008

Company I
John Washington Burton
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Edward Farmer
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/14/2016

Company I
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: KENNETH MIZE
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: kemize@aol.com
Date Added: 7/24/2015

Company I
Robert Smith Ransom
- Captain
No comments
Contact Name: Charles Ransom Heard
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/4/2011

Company I
Thomas Wesley Scearce
- Private
Thomas Wesley Scearce (sometimes spelled Scarce) was a private in the 57th Virginia Infantry Regiment Company I. Records state he joined at Bachelor's Hall 1 Mar 1862. Thomas is my great grandfather. If anyone has pictures of this unit I would love to dearly have a copy.
Contact Name: Sandy Pinkerton
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/31/2018

Company K
Rufus P Kyle
- Corporal
No comments
Contact Name: Jerry Kyle
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/22/2015

Company K
James T. Leftwich
- Private
Born 1834 to Walter Leftwich and Frances Turner. James T. Leftwich married Frances A. Sloane September 13, 1854. They had one known child. ---- M382 roll 33

(1st Cousin 4 times removed)
Contact Name: Donald Steven Smith
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://www.mdscv.org/1388/adopt-a-confederate/
Date Added: 10/5/2006

Company K
James T Leftwich
- Private
James T. Leftwich is my great,great grandfather. His Son John O. Leftwich is my grandmothers father on my mothers side. I have a document that James T. Leftwich died of Typhoid Fever.
Contact Name: Eileen Cabral
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/1/2011

Company K
Edward M Mahone
- Private
Was killed July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg during Pickett's charge.
Contact Name: Gerald Mahone
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/25/2008

Company K
David F. McCulloch
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Robert McCulloch
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/3/2010

Company K
Cary Acton Switzer
- Private
He is my 3rd Great Grandfather. Looking to find where he is buried. His last known residence was Craig Co., VA
Contact Name: William Lucas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/27/2009

Company K
Larkin Tunget
- Private
I portray my ancestor in the 57th VA Inf. living history unit (Co. A), in Gettysburg, PA. If you are also a descendant, come out and see us sometime.
Contact Name: Daryl Tunget
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: facebook.com/swagger68
Date Added: 6/28/2016

Company K
Christopher C. Winger
- Private
Killed in action during Pickett''s Charge,Gettysburg,Pa.,
July 3,1863.
Contact Name: Guy McAlister
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/25/2003

Company K
John Winger
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Guy McAlister
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/25/2003

Company K
Martin Van Buren Winger
- Private
Killed in action during Pickett''s Charge,Gettysburg,Pa.,
July 3,1863.
Contact Name: Guy McAlister
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/25/2003

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