Home / Civil War Genealogy / Wisconsin / 19th Wisconsin Infantry
19th Wisconsin InfantryUS Flag
Company Unknown
Reville Moffitt
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Tom Wetherell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/14/2007

Company A
Eugene Ashley Dwinnell
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Michael McCully
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/26/2007

Company A
Osgood Herrick Dwinnell
- Private
P.O.W., Salisbury Confederate Prison (N.C.), late 1864-early 1865.
Contact Name: Michael McCully
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/26/2007

Company B
Francis Halsey
- Musician
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Contact Name: Eric A,. Smith
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/11/2004

Company B
Charles Amos Jeffrey
- Musician
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Contact Name: Eric A,. Smith
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/11/2004

Company B
Daniel T Watters
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Mark L
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/22/2012

Company C
benjamin franklin chase
- 2nd Sergeant
he was the first atternny in augusta wi 1867 /barryed there /in 1909 / marryed jane harden , her brother was mike harden of augusta wis / he was born in buxton maine ,moved to wis in the 1850s ,was a partnere with his cussen /cyruse woodmen ,how was a partnere with c c washburn also ,if you have any info on the 19th inf please contact me ,or any info on b f chase thankyou
Contact Name: david a stiglitz
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/21/2004

Company D
Joseph Cheadle
- Private
In camp near “Bermuda Hundred”
Friday Evening, Sept. 9, 1864

My Darling Wife,

I will pass a portion, at least, of this evening in scribbling for you. I expect a letter tomorrow or the next day so I have this started already. We got our knapsacks from Norfolk on the 6th inst. and we needed them now that the nights are getting colder.

(A line here is indecipherable due to being in the crease where it fell apart. Other asterisks will mean the same thing.)

...got their pay and 30 days furlough at Madison. I am very glad to hear it. I also heard some stories about them-- that they were not quite so clean and free from insects as they might have been. That is rather rough on them but still there might be some truth in the story. In fact, I don’t think a single one, Officer or Private has been free from such things now. Except those who were detailed away from the Regt. and so had a chance to take care of themselves. I found it impossible to to keep altogether free so long as I had to be in the crowded rifle pits, although I always had (what the greater part did not) a change of underclothing. I believe I am quite free from such things now, and I think that most of the men are nearly so now.

Sept. 12/64 My Darling Wife, I have just rec’d your welcome letter of the 1st inst. with N. J. House’s enclosed. I got a paper or rather several papers in one at the same time. And Darling I must say that yours is a long one this time and as good as it is long. But I am sorry to see that the story of my hardships and little troubles made you ***

...but I feel very much better than I did and my appetite is quite good (in fact far better than the rations) and I am gaining flesh. I was on Camp Guard last night for the first time in a long while. But I am spending money, rather, getting into debt for I have been obliged to buy a good deal from the ***

...a journey to the Post Office after the letter for they are generally kept in the office until the postage is paid.
My Darling I am very glad to be able to tell you that my health is better lately. I cannot call myself well for I have not entirely got rid of the diarrhea yet and my legs are weakened and stiff (caused I suppose by the rheumatism and partly by the drug medicine I have been taking) ***
Contact Name: Clark Thompson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/18/2024

Company D
Dallas KP Mason
- Corporal
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Contact Name: Madelon Proctor
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/6/2023

Company E
John Gottlieb Rother
- Private
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Contact Name: Harold Kralik
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/24/2011

Company E
lewis a Showen
- Private
Served from Nov. 1864 until dischanrge after war over. Buried in Salem Ridge cemetary, Wisconsin
Contact Name: Allan Yousten
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/17/2005

Company E
Peter J Wolff
- Private
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Contact Name: Lee Harries
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/11/2014

Company F
Hubert Wynhoff
- Private
Hubert''s brother Theodore was drowned in June 1862, after the 19th Regiment arrived in Virginia.
NOTE: I am looking for details of the military service for both Hubert and Theodore. Hubert''s Civil War Veteran gravesite is in Los Angeles.
Contact Name: Dennis Noson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/1/2004

Company F
Theodore Wynhoff
- Private
Listed as drowned, June 1862. (Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers)
No further information known at this time (August, 2004)
Contact Name: Dennis Noson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/1/2004

Company G
Luke Leverett Culver
- Corporal
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Contact Name: R. J. Johnson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/1/2005

Company G
James F. Dignin
- Private
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Contact Name: Leslee
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/13/2006

Company G
William F. Dignin
- Private
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Contact Name: Leslee
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/13/2006

Company G
William Oliver Downing
- Corporal
He was in the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He was made Corpl in 1863. He enlisted March 7, 1862 and served until July 3, 1865. In between this time he was in the Salisbury Prison along with his Cousin-in law John Marshall Johnson.
Wm was there from Nov.1864 to March 1865.
Contact Name: Jaimee
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/22/2006

Company G
Lewis Smith Perkins
- Quarter Master
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Contact Name: Leon Perkins
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/28/2009

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