Home / Civil War Genealogy / Texas / 36th Texas Cavalry
36th Texas Cavalry CSA Flag
Company Unknown
Joseph Washington McMains
Rank Unknown
Found this info at Texas Ranger Hall of Fame in Waco, Tx. and the Civil War battle field in Vicksburg, Ms.
Contact Name: Wanda Meter
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Date Added: 7/19/2008

Company Unknown
Felix Grundy Newcomer
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Mona Lawrence
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Date Added: 10/6/2008

Company A
Joseph Rogers Burleson
- Private
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Contact Name: Stephen Moyers Woodard
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Contact Homepage: Givem Tha Cold Steel Boys
Date Added: 6/19/2011

Company A
Nicholas Chamberlain
- Private
Nichalos was born in Sullivan Twp. Medina Co. Ohio in 1826. In 1860 he is 34 y/o living in Guadalupe Co. Texas. He enrolled at Camp Salado in Capt. Peter C Woods Co. Mounted Riflemen on 22 March 1862. Located at San Marcos. This unit was also known as Capt. Storey's Co. His horse is valued at $120 and equipment at $25. He has 8 cards in his archival file. He died in the field on the march from Fort Brown. Dying near Kings Ranch of unknown cause. This unit was comprised of 823 men and was assigned to H. Bee's and Bagby's Brigade, Trans Mississippi Dept.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 7/6/2022

Company A
Lucius Jeremiah Horacio Dailey
- Private
Lucius was born in Georgia. He was in San Marcos , Hays County Texas when the invasion began. He enlisted at Camp Salado in San Marcos on 7 Mar 1862 in Capt James G Story's Co. Texas Mounted Vols. [Wood's Regiment]. His horse is valued at $140 and his equipment $13. This Regiment is assigned to H. Bee's & Bagby's Brigade, Trans Mississippi Dept. and fought mainly in the Red River Campaign during Union Gen. Banks presence in the state. Lucius was engaged in over 30 skirmishes and actions during this time. Some were Mansura, Belle Prairie, Marksville, Yellow Bayou, Bayou De Glaize, & Norwood's Plantation. He enlisted at age 18 and served until the end of the invasion. He is the father in law of my 4th cousin 3 x removed.
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 10/6/2019

Company A
Sidney Powell Hattox
- Private
1843-1889 Enlisted 18 March 1862 in San Marcos.
Contact Name: George Hill
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Date Added: 7/9/2021

Company A
Peter Cavanaugh Woods
- Colonel
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Woods raised a company of Calvery, primarily from Hays County, later to become Company A of the Thirty-six Texas Calvary regiment. On April 12 Woods and his men received the baptism of fire at the battle of Blair's Landing, where General Green was killed. They skirmished daily with the retreating federals through Grand Ecore, fought a determined holding action at Monett's Ferry, and continued a running fight with the enemy until a spirited action at Yellow Bayou on May 18 in which Woods was wounded halted the chase. A rifle ball entered Woods's left hand and traversed his forearm, exiting his elbow. Although he returned to service after only two weeks convalescent leave, he never fully regained the function of his left arm. Woods died in San Marcus n January 27, 1898, and is buried there.
Contact Name: David Hill
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Date Added: 1/8/2010

Company B
David Crockett Burleson
- 2nd Lieutenant
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Contact Name: Stephen Moyers Woodard
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Contact Homepage: Givem Tha Cold Steel Boys
Date Added: 6/19/2011

Company B
George Thomas Daniel
- Private
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Contact Name: Rick Short
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Date Added: 8/20/2009

Company B
John Oatman Deweese
- Private
John was born 30 Dec 1828 at Greenville, Floyd County, Indiana. The 1860 census finds him in Texas. He has 7 cards in his archival file. There is considerable confusion in the 32nd and 36th "Wood's" Tx Cavalry. Johns' wife states in her pension application he enlisted in Jan 1862 in the 32nd Tex Cav serving under a Capt. E. B. Millett. My research does indeed find this Capt. Millett in the 23/36th Tx Cav.

His horse is valued at $140 and equipment at $20. He enlisted according to the records of the 36th on 25 April 1862 at Camp Salado. The 36th had 823 men on its roll and was assigned to H. Bee's and Bagby's Brigade. Trans Mississippi Dept. The Red River Campaign was a major action for the 36th mainly skirmishing and ambushing the invading army. The Regimental officers were, Col Peter C Woods, Lt. Col's Nat Benton & W O Hutchinson, Major Stokely M Holmes.

In 1928 his wife Ann Emma Irvin filed for and was approved for a Confederate Pension # 43698. John died 10 June 1899 at San Antonio, Bexar Co. Tx. and is buried at the Alamo Masonic Cem. in that city.

Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 9/23/2024

Company B
Joseph Lewis Mc(Sherry)
Rank Unknown
Joseph Lewis Sherry, son of John McSherry and Sarah Creath. Joseph was born in Texas on Jan. 7, 1833. During Civil war Joseph enlisted in Wood's Confederate Regt.,Co. B. Joseph served under Capt. Nat Benton's company of Texas mounted riflemen. He was captured and interred at Camp Douglas in Illinois. He died in prison camp six weeks after the end of the war.

Prior to enlistment Joseph was kidnapped by Indians and recovered by Texas Rangers. His half brother also kidnapped was killed; his step father John Hibbins and Uncle George Creath were killed in the initial attack. Mother Sarah Hibbins was also kidnaped; She escaped to go for help. Earlier his birth Father was also killed by Indians on his homestead while gathering water from a nearby spring. Later, while moving to San Juan Capistrano Mission,some eight miles south of San Antonio, Joseph barely escaped from Indians as they raided his camp to steal horses Joseph was guarding.
Contact Name: Alex Arnell
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Date Added: 2/1/2014

Company B
Wesley Lee Smith
- Private
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Contact Name: Rick Short
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Date Added: 8/20/2009

Company C
Gipson Erasmus Tilley
- Private
Gipson is 33 years old when he enlists and is mustered at San Antonio, Texas 22 March 1862. Enlisted in Capt Joel K Steven's Co. Mounted Texas Rifles. This became Co C. 36th Regiment Texas Cavalry. [Some confusion exists re: Regimental History and data on CMR's as to the time of organization. Regimental date Late 1863 & CMR date 1 June 1862. At the time the 36th was confused with the 32nd Regiment.] All action Campaigns, Skirmishes, & Battles took place in Louisiana. Gipson was detailed as Regimental Hospital Nurse Oct 1862 and was in that position until the end of the war. He was born in Blakley, Early Co. Ga. and died in Devine, Medina Co. Texas. Buried in Evergreen Cem. We are connected by a very distant marriage.
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 9/20/2019

Company D
Andrew Jackson Patterson
- Private
Andrew was wounded in the leg at the battle of Blairs Landing.This was on the same day Gen.Thomas Green gave his life for the Southern cause.
Contact Name: tyler weeks
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Contact Homepage: tylerweeks63
Date Added: 8/7/2011

Company D
William B. Pendley
- Private
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Contact Name: Rick Short
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Date Added: 8/20/2009

Company E
John Horton Slaughter
- Private
1841-1922 Western Lawman. He was a rancher and a Texas Ranger when he enlisted in the Confederate Army at the start of the Civil War. Enlisted in Nov 1863 as a pvt in Company E, 36th Woods Cavalry, Texas before moving on to the unit that is currently listed. Mustered out May 15, 1865. Serving in the 3rd Frontier Division, Texas State Troops, he earned the reputation of a fearless fighter, skilled with firearms. After the war, he formed the San Antonio Ranch Company with his brothers and in the 1870s, bought a ranch in Charleston, Arizona. In 1886, he was elected Sheriff of Cochise County, served two terms and then helped the US Cavalry track Geronimo's Apaches. He also was the inspiration for Walt Disney's TV series, 'Texas John Slaughter' in the 1950s.
Contact Name: George Hill
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Date Added: 11/13/2013

Company I
Thomas Dewess
- 3rd Sergeant
Thomas was born 2 June 1843 in Dunham Castle, Kane County, Illinois. The 1860 census finds him at age 16 in St Maries, Refugio County Texas. He has 7 items in his archival record. He enlisted in Co I 36th Tx Cavalry at San Antonio, Tx in Capt. E A Steven's Company. His horse is valued at $140 and equipment $40. He is on detached duty at Atascosa Texas for some time in rounding up deserters. He saw action in the Red River Campaign in Louisiana.

His 3rd wife Betty Harrison King b. 20 April 1862 applied for and was approved for a CSA Pension # 50842 she applied 9 July 1932, and her family received a Burial Warrant when she died 24 Jan 1953. In her application she states Thomas was wounded in action and was discharged in 1864. He may have joined as a Pvt in Co E Chambers Battalion Texas Reserves. There is no written history of this unit, and I can only speculate this was our Thomas.

Thomas died 12 June 1905 and is buried in the Alamo Mesonic Cemetery at San Antiono in Bexar Co. Texas. He was my 3rd cousin 4 x removed.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 9/25/2024

Company K
Blackstone Greenwood
- Private
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Contact Name: Marlon Sustaire
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Date Added: 10/26/2008

Company K
David Porter Hale
- Sergeant
My great-great-uncle by marriage was born 23 Feb 1830. Married Mary Elizabeth Newton. He was discharged from CSA, 31 Dec 1863 and died 18 Mar 1921, buried in Live Oak Co, TX
Contact Name: Michael
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Date Added: 9/7/2017

Company K
Euell Persons
- Corporal
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Contact Name: Marlon Sustaire
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Date Added: 10/26/2008

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