This Company also known as the 1st SC Artillery and also Capt. F.F. Warley's Company, Inglis Light Arty, and Lamar's Battn, SC Art'y. James was abt 23 y/o when he enlisted on 20 March 1862 at Darlington, SC. Enlisted by Capt. F.F. Warley. James parents were Able and Lavinia Gandy of Darlington County , Society Hill, SC. His wife Elizabeth Betty Smoot applied for pension based on his service and it was granted. Her Pension application was for James service in Charles Company, Fergusons Battery , English Light Arty. * For researchers of SC Artillery units as well as Cav. Units the following book is a wonderful source.Considerable information on the 2nd Battn: SIEGE TRAIN : The journal of a Confederate Artilleryman in the Defense of Charleston. Edited by Warren Ripley. Published by the University of South Carolina Press ISBN: 1-57003-127-4
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas Contact Email:
Show Email Date Added: 10/7/2013
John Calhoun Gandy was from Society Hill, Darlington County, South Carolina. His parents were Able Gandy and Lavinia Johnson. He enlisted in Capt. J.A. Peterkin's Company N of Cavalry on 1 Aug. 1863. This was one of four companies of Cavalry which were part of the 20th SC Infantry Regt. It had 10 companies of Infantry and one Company Light Art'y known as Co.D [ Inglis Light Artillery]. This Art'y company was desiginated as Capt. Warley's Company, Lamar's Battn: SC Art'y Co. D 2d Regt. S.C. Art'y. There is a lengthy description Of the 20th SC Inf. Regt on the Company Muster Roll Card. It was reorganized several times. John's records include an Order Issued at Mount Plesant , SC on 30 Nov. 1863. He is transferred to Capt. Charles Company of Light Art'y. on accouont of not having a horse. This order is given by J. M. L. Alford, Lieut. Commd. Co. N, Cav. attached to 20th Regiment SC Vol's . I find John in Co. D. Inglis's Light Art'y after the transfer from his Cavalry Unit. About April 9, 1865 the 20th SC Infantry Regt. was consolidated with the 2nd [ Palmetto ] Regt SC. Inf and a part of Blanchards SC Reserves. This formed the [New] 2nd Regt.SC Infantry which was paroled at Greensboro , NC May 2, 1865.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas Contact Email:
Show Email Date Added: 10/9/2013
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