Home / Civil War Genealogy / New York / 150th New York Infantry
150th New York InfantryUS Flag
Company B
Lyman P Harris
- Private
Lyman lived in Poughkeepsie, NY
Contact Name: Jane
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/17/2007

Company C
Barnard C Burnett
- Private
Was killed in action at Gettysburg. Buried in the National cemetery there.
Contact Name: Bill
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/16/2009

Company C
William E. Gurney
- Corporal
William Gurnet served from Oct '62 to June '65. Cpl in color company C, Stanford, Clinton Corners men from Dutchess County. Later involved in GAR until his death in 1917
Contact Name: Jim Shockley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/21/2005

Company C
alfred wagner
- Private
alfred had gone for 3 terms the first term he had to serve then the secound term he was volenteered to go and came back with a pistil that he got from a confedrate officer which took it off a union it being made in NYC this pistil is still in our family on his third term he never came back
Contact Name: caitiej93
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/30/2006

Company C
Alfred Williams
- Corporal
WILLIAMS, ALFRED.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1862, at Pleasant Valley NY, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. C, October 11, 1862; returned to ranks, prior to April, 1861; promoted Corporal, February 15, 1865; mustered out with company, June 8, 1865, near Washington, D. C.
Contact Name: Herbert D Petty
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/2/2011

Company C
Henry Peter Williams
- Private
WILLIAMS, HENRY P.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 19, 1862 at Pleasant Valley, N.Y., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 11, 1862; wounded in action, March 16, 1865, at Averasboro, N.C.; mustered out with detachment, June 20, 1865, at Albany, N.Y., while in hospital at Troy, N.Y.
Contact Name: Herbert D Petty
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/2/2011

Company D
Phillip T. Hedden
- Private
Enlisted in the 145th NY at age 16 (presumably with his father, Nathan). Family history says he was a drummer boy. Wounded and captured at Chancellorsville as a result of Stonewall Jackson's flank attack. Rejoined the 145th in October 1863. Jan 1864 transferred to the 150th NY when the 145th was disbanded.
Contact Name: William Norton-Taylor
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://gburginfo.brinkster.net/
Date Added: 8/2/2005

Company F
Thomas Morgan Fraleigh
- Corporal
Thomas was my G.G.Grandfather and served until the end of the war.
Contact Name: Janis L. Esty
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/8/2005

Company F
Nathan C. Hedden
- Corporal
Transferred to the 150th from the 145th NY after the 145th was dissolved in Jan 1864.

Wounded by a sniper in left ankle in Aug. 1864 in front of Atlanta. Died of secondary hemmorage Sept. 22, 1864 at Cumberland Gen. Hospital, Nashville.
Contact Name: William Norton-Taylor
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://gburginfo.brinkster.net/
Date Added: 8/2/2005

Company F
Richard Martin Lown
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Mark R. Day
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/18/2010

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