Home / Civil War Genealogy / Alabama / 61st Alabama Infantry
61st Alabama InfantryCSA Flag
Company Unknown
John Chumney
- Private
I believe I have 16 relatives that fought in the civil war. I am a direct descendent of J C Chumney who was a private and fought in the Alabama 61st. I understand my great, great great grandfather and his three brothers fought under Stonewall Jackson. I would like to know if this is verifiable and the flag of the Alabama 61st.
Contact Name: Darryl l Chumney
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/17/2016

Company Unknown
John C Harrison
- Private
I have been unable to find direct archival links of my great-great grandfather to the 61st Alabama, however I have quite a few letters from him that describe his unit in detail. I think he was still in this unit until after April 15, 1863 and was near Richmond. He later transferred to the 55th Alabama under Captain Pinckard and subsequent letters were from Pollard.

Contact Name: Jim Bertagnolli
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/14/2004

Company A
Harmon Howard
- Private
Died 22 July 1864, from gunshot wounds received during Early's Raid on Washington, DC. Buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia.
Contact Name: Karon Bosze
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/karon_bosze
Date Added: 6/27/2005

Company A
Matthew Thomas
- Private
Matthew was from Russell county Alabama , the son of Ethelred Thomas and Malinda Moore. He enlisted 18 July 1863 in Co A 59th Alabama Infantry Regt. This unit became Co. A 61st Ala. Inf.
He was captured at Spotslvania Court House on 8 May 1864.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/19/2013

Company B
Russell John Sparks
Rank Unknown
On July 1, 1863, Russell enlisted as a private in Company B, commanded by Capt. Rob A. Peterson, of the 61st Regiment Alabama Infantry, at Gadsen, Alabama. There is some indication that he left that military unit a few days later. Perhaps the news that Vicksburg, Mississippi, had fallen to the Union forces on July 4th had something to do with his decision to leave. (D.Hampton..probably correct as his half-brother ,John T Sparks, was captured at Vicksburg but exchanged and sent home about this time.)
Contact Name: Dan Hampton
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/15/2009

Company D
James J Fielder
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Bob Conner
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/24485855/family
Date Added: 3/28/2014

Company D
John Calhoun McQueen
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Walter Cooner
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/16/2008

Company D
W.. J. Porter
- Captain
I have a picture of Capt. WJ Porter's grave from Johnson Island POW camp in Ohio for any of his relatives. Contact me...gtgilbert17@yahoo.com
Contact Name: Greg
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/7/2008

Company D
Addison B Scarborough
- 1st Lieutenant
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Contact Name: Timothy D. Hudson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/5/2011

Company D
David Alexander Wood
- Corporal

The above link is his marker in Pleasant Home, AL. He is buried at Mount Hebron, Winchester, VA. My relatives finally found him back in 1998, one month before my Grandmomma passed away from a brain tumor, September 1998. She had been searching for him, all of her life. We visited Confederate Cemetaries all over the Southeast every since I can remember, looking for him, but never went as far north as VA.

WOOD, David Alexander b 1822 d 1864
In Hallowed Memory To Honor Corporal David Alexander Wood, CSA
1824-1864. Sarah Ann Wilkerson Wood 1824-1907. David was born in
North Carolina and moved to Jackson County, FL. around 1838. He
married Sarah Ann in 1843. They moved to Butler County, AL. after
1850. Their children were Richard Leander, David Alexander II, Sarah Pleacedie and Beulah Ann. In 1856 David and Sarah became charter members of Sardis Baptist Church in Pidgeon Creek, AL. David was killed in the War Between The States in 1864. Sarah joined Pleasant Home Baptist Church in 1884. She is buried here. David's Military Service:
August 1, 1863: Joined Company D. 61st. Regt. Alabama Volunteers, Confederate States Army. Assigned to Dept. of Gulf, Pollard, AL. Feb. 1864: Assigned to Army of Northern Virginia under Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early of Confederate States Army.
Sept. 19, 1864:Killed in mortal combat at 3rd Battle of Winchester. Buried at Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Stonewall Cemetery Complex, Winchester, VA.
This memorial erected September 1998 by descendants of David Alexander and Sarah Ann Wilkerson Wood.
Contact Name: Chadwick M. Harris
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/1/2010

Company E
William S Cottle
- Corporal
Contact Name: George Hill
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/20/2016

Company E
Levi Kirkland
- Private
Enlisted in Henry County, Alabama 1863 and served til end of The War.
Contact Name: William Richter
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/27/2005

Company E
James Lambert
- Private
Died in camp, Orange Courthouse, VA. March 1864.
Contact Name: Roy C. Ellis
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/16/2012

Company E
Jabez Leftwich
- Private
Jabez Leftwich was born in Georgia in 1825 to Joel Leftwich and Rebekah (Warren) Leftwich. He married Nancy Paschall Dingler 2/25/1829. 'Jabez and Nancy eloped from the campground of the Dingler family, who were enroute to Mount Prospect, Ala. from the Atlanta area. He was 20 years old and she was 15. The Dingler family claimed Nancy was kidnapped. After their marriage, they settled in Newton Co., Ga. Sometime before July of 1860, Jabez and his family emigrated to Macon Co., Ala. Later that year, their youngest daughter was born. Jabez worked as an overseer until he enlisted in the Confederate Army on May 29, 1863 in Macon County. (by Capt Baber). He was assigned to Company E, 61st Alabama Infantry. Jabez was captured by the Yankees on May 23, 1864 at Bethal Church, Va. He was first sent to Port Royal, Va., arriving on May 30th, and then to the Union prison at Point
Lookout, Md. He was paroled on Sept 18, 1864 and sent to Aiken's Landing, Va. for exchange. Jabez was admitted to Wayside Hospital in Richmond on Sept 23rd, where he died four days later. (Disease: Phthisis Pulmonalis).'

(2nd Cousin 5 times removed)
Contact Name: Donald Steven Smith
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://www.mdscv.org/1388/adopt-a-confederate/
Date Added: 3/7/2007

Company E
William Martin Moore
- Private
Served CSA in the 61st Alabama Infantry, Co. E.
Entered as a private on 11/3/1863 at Pollard, AL.
Captured at Petersburg, Va on 5/19/1864.
Parolled Elmira, NY Prison on 6/19/1865.
Contact Name: Russell A. Moore
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/6/2009

Company F
Nathaniel J. Barber
- Private
Died during the war.
Contact Name: L. Lester
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/5/2005

Company F
Frederick S. Bowling
- Sergeant
Frederick S Bowling, SGT of the 61st Alabama Infantry was wounded in the Battle of Virginia; spent two months in a hospital; sent home and died 10 days after reaching home on June 10, 1864. His religious faith was Baptist.
Contact Name: Jerry A Bowling
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/1/2012

Company F
James Wiley Gilmore
- Private
died at Orange Court House ,Virginia of disease. Appears to be the units first engagement.
Contact Name: Dan lamb
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/31/2009

Company F
Archibald Millinson Hand
- Private
Archibald Millinson Hand enlisted in Chambers Co.,Alabama. His widow,Martha Ann Pare Hand, petitioned for his pension in Etowah Co.,Al, at an unknown date.He is believes to be buried in Heard Co.,Ga., more research is needed.
Contact Name: Lisa
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/24/2012

Company F
Martin V B Roberson
- Private
Wounded at Snickers Gap. Died 12-27-1915 in Barney, Arkansas.
Contact Name: Michael Sullivan
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/22/2011

Company F
Daniel Polk Slay
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Gayle Hennington
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/17/2004

Company F
Hardin Henry Smith
- 4th Corporal
Died during the war. His name is sometimes found as Henry Harden Smith.
Contact Name: L. Lester
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/5/2005

Company H
Jonathan S Bilbro
- 4th Corporal
Jonathan enlisted on July 25th 1863 at the age of 15. He was either killed at the battle of Spotsylvania in May of 1864 or was captured there and died in prison. At any rate, he never returned home. He was only 16.
Contact Name: Barbara Eike
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/23/2014

Company H
Peter Nestlehutt
- Private
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Contact Name: Sarah Harvill
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/18/2011

Company H
Charles T Segrest
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Sandra K. Conner
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/27/2008

Company H
Lewis Monroe Wimberly
- Private
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Contact Name: Peter Booher
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/20/2010

Company I
William H Colley
- Private
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Contact Name: David Ingram
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/14/2016

Company I
samuel h gibbons
- 1st Sergeant
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Contact Name: g gibbons
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/14/2012

Company I
Samuel Jackson Radford
- Private
Samuel was born 30 Jun 1833 in Nixburg, Coosa County, Alabama. He is there in 1860 at age 26, the Post Office is at Rockford. He has 1 card that shows him in Co C 1st Regt Ala. Conscripts. This became Co I of the 59th Regt and then became Co I of the 61st. He has 4 cards in his archival file that provides proof of the foregoing data. He enlists 29 May 1863 in Tallapoosa County Ala. in Capt. James S Hasting's Company. The 61st was organized at Pollard in Sept of 1863 with 1637 men. Assigned to Rhode's Division. He was in the fight at Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Washington City, Snickers Gap, Harpers Ferry, Martinsburg, and 3rd Winchester where he was captured on 19 Sept 1864. He made it home in bad shape and died 6 July 1869 in Coosa County, Ala. I have not located his grave. We are related by a distant marriage. May God rest his soul.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/12/2024

Company K
John Daniel Grantham
- Captain
John Daniel is my great-grandfather..I am a member of the UDC in Virginia..DEO VINDICE!!!!!
Contact Name: Donna L. Grantham
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/25/2003

Company K
William Wilson Allison Strickland
- Private
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Contact Name: Stephen Moyers Woodard
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/10/2019

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